Title: If I Ran The Horse Show Author: Bonnie Worth (Author), Aristides Ruiz (Illustrator), Joe Mathieu (Illustrator) Hardcover: 48 pages Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers (Aug. 7 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 0375866833 ISBN-13: 978-0375866838 Product Dimensions: 17.1 x 1 x 23.6 cm
Calling all young equestrians and Cat (in the Hat) fanciers! In this latest installment of the Cat in the Hat's Learning Library, the Cat introduces Sally and Nick-and beginning readers-to all things horsey. At his Super-Tremendous-Stupendous Horse Show, the Cat explains how horses and people have worked together since ancient times; the difference between fillies, foals, yearlings, mares, colts, dams, sires, and stallions; horse anatomy from nose to tail; the work of a farrier, Western vs English riding; and much, much more-including fun facts about 13 of the most popular horse breeds! Fans of the new PBS Kids preschool science show the Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! (which is based on The Cat in the Hat's Learning Library) will whinny with glee over this new addition to the series!